The First Staff Development Day was held on 21 September 2012 at the school hall. The programme aimed at in-house sharing of experiences among teachers. Some panel heads shared with teachers their quality assignment design as well as their effective teaching strategies that help students to grasp key concepts and develop exam skills. Some appointed markers of HKDSE identified the poor responses of learners in specific domains which could be used in the improvement of teaching and learning as teachers can focus on particular areas of weakness in their subject. For instance, the Head of the Chinese Department gave an account of her enlightenment including the practices of peer lesson observation in Mainland China from attending an academic visit to Hangzhou. Lastly, teachers were engaged in a trial exercise of peer assessment on a video lesson.
The programme gave teachers an opportunity to enrich their repertoire of teaching strategies and the professional interflow can be facilitated through increased sharing sessions.
Event Date(s): 2012-09-21